Netbox has support for SSO integration out of the box, however some extra work is required to make it work with authentik correctly.

Setting up Authentik

  1. In authentik, create an OAuth2/OpenID Provider (under Resources/Providers) with these settings:
    • Name: Netbox
    • Signing Key: Select any available key
  2. Take note of the client ID & secret for later usage
  3. Create an application with these settings:
    • Name: Netbox
    • Slug: netbox-slug
    • Provider: Netbox

Setting up Netbox

Building the image

This step is only required for docker. Netbox comes with the SSO python package (social-auth-core) pre-installed, however not all the optional depedencies are installed due to relying on libraries that may not be present1.

Luckily the image is made to be easily extendable:

FROM netboxcommunity/netbox:v3.2.5

RUN /opt/netbox/venv/bin/python -m pip install --upgrade 'social-auth-core[openidconnect]'


For the python configuration file, we’ll combine the netbox documentation for connecting to Okta2 with the generic OpenID connection backend3 from social-core

REMOTE_AUTH_BACKEND = 'social_core.backends.open_id_connect.OpenIdConnectAuth'
SOCIAL_AUTH_OIDC_KEY = '<ID from step 2>'
SOCIAL_AUTH_OIDC_SECRET = '<secret from step 2>'

If groups is not set to be protected, you’ll receive a an error from Django about not being able to set a many-to-many field.


Currently this setup does not handle groups or superuser status. If that functionality is required, an authentik LDAP outpost can be used instead.

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