Normally my logging stack of choice is ELK, but recently I’ve been digging more into Loki, designed to be the logging equivalent of Prometheus. It’s been very interesting dealing with a low-cardinality log system after getting so used to ELK, but one feature I’ve definitely been missing is the ability to easily add GeoIP from arbitrary logs. There’s an open issue for adding it, but in the mean time one comment suggested using vector.

In my case, the log lines I was interested looked like this:

1637792122 I conn_pool_manager-> Handshake dropped: connection backoff.
1637792123 I conn_pool_manager-> Handshake dropped: certificate rejected.
1637792126 I conn_pool_manager-> Adding incoming connection: fd:2074.

The first step is to get them into loki with the information we need. Vector’s remap language is extremely powerful and allows us to create this configuration:

# Watch the log files
type = "file"
include = [ "/var/log/connections/*.log" ]
ignore_older_secs = 600
read_from = "beginning"

# Parse log message, mainly to extract the original timestamp and IP address
inputs = [ "in"]
type = "remap"
source = '''
  . |= parse_regex(.message, r'^(?P<timestamp>\d+)\W(?P<level>\w)\Wconn_pool_manager->(?P<ip_address>[\d\.]+):(?P<trailer>.*)') ??
       {"err": "could not parse"}
  .timestamp = parse_timestamp(.timestamp, "%s") ?? now()

# Use a locally downloaded MaxMind DB to generate GeoIP info
type = "geoip"
inputs = [ "remap_conn_pool" ]
database = "/etc/vector/GeoLite2-City.mmdb"
source = "ip_address"
target = "geoip"

# For debugging purposes
inputs = ["geo_ip"]
type = "console"
encoding.codec = "json"

# Send output to loki
inputs = ["geo_ip"]
type = "loki"
endpoint = ""
encoding.codec = "json"
labels = {"app"= "vector"}

Now that the information is in Loki, we can use the Geomap panel to display the locations inside grafana. In this particular case, this query was all that was needed:

  | json geoip_longitude="geoip.longitude",geoip_latitude="geoip.latitude"
  | geoip_latitude != ""

This gets all JSON lines from logs created by the vector config with GeoIP information, filters for non-empty values, and counts each entry for the range provided. However, in order to make it more palatable for grafana, we need to apply some transforms to the data in grafana, namely labels-to-fields, merge, and then converting the lat and long from strings to numbers. Here is an example panel JSON, to get started with.